Thursday, March 5, 2009

Everybody's a butler

Browsing throughout various J-dorama, I found this, "Happy Boys."
Guess what, Seto Koji, the middle one, is Kamen Rider Kiva. Kato Keisuke, the one on the right with glasses, is Kamen Rider IXA. LOL. It's official, the last 3 Kamen Riders are butlers!
First, we have Mizushima Hiro who's Kamen Rider Kabuto, and also an S-rank butler in Mei-chan no Shitsuji.

Then we have Takeru Sato who's Kamen Rider Den-O, and also Rihito's brother butler-in-training (picture in my Bloody Monday post).
Then, we have Seto Koji who's Kamen Rider Kiva, and also Segawa Kyoichi, butler in training in Happy Boys.
kiva henshin

And, the record holder, Kato Keisuke, who's Kamen Rider IXA. He's a cool quite butler-in-training Kitamura Kosuke in Happy Boys, and also a butler in Mei-chan no Shitsuji.
ixa henshinmeichan2

Wow, is this a continuing pattern? It would be perfect if in the next Kamen Rider series, the main character's real job is a butler. LOL.

1 comment:

kyuriri said...

It's the only way to attract more fan girls... which girls don't want to be served by an ikemen in a monkey suit and humoring whatever ridiculous demands they have:p ahhahaa... the magic of hallucination...